How to install React-Native on Windows?

Hello Readers, In this post I will talk about how you can set-up react-native environment into your computer.

We need some tools for setup React-Native. here is list of all tools:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK8 or higher)
  • Node.js
  • Node Package Manager
  • React Native CLI
  • Android Studio
  • Android Emulator or Real Device
  • Visual Studio Code or Other IDE

Step 1: (Installation of JDK)

  • You can download jdk from it's official site & install it on computer
  • Download JDK
  • When your jdk is installed successfully on the computer you need to verify.
  • open Command Prompt and type java -version & javac -version
  • if you get java version then all-is-well otherwise we need to configure the environment variable for jdk.

Step 2: (Installation of Node.js)

  • Download Node.js Package from official site & install it on computer
  • When you install Node.js, NPM is installed automatically with it.
  • Download Node.js
  • After your Node.js is installed successfully verify your node version & npm version
  • open Command Prompt and type node -v & npm -v

Step 3: (Installation of React-Native CLI)

  • You can install react-native cli in your computer globally using the below command:
  • npm install -g react-native-cli
  • after installation, you can verify using react-native -v.

Step 4: (Installation of Android Studio)

  • Android Studio installs the latest SDK by default, if you want to change your SDK then follow the below steps:
    • open SDK manager, now you can select your desire SDK (make sure React-Native support minimum Android 6.0 SDK so you need to choose any of the above)
    • after selection click on apply button right-side bottom.
  • also, you need to install the "Google Play Licensing Library" from SDK Tools.
  • after that setup the environment variable "ANDROID_HOME" as per your SDK location.[ Where to setup : click window button & type environment variable, click on new to create variable ]

Step 5: (Setup Android Emulator)

  • Open Android Studio & click on AVD Manager.
  • Create a new Virtual device, Setup your desire phone model and android version.
  • after the successfully created virtual device click on the play button to launch the emulator.

Thank God!!!! finally, react-native installed on the computer. now we need to install IDE for development react-native project.

Step 6: (Installation of Visual Studio Code)

  • Visual Studio Code is one of my favorite IDE for coding. so, I preferred to use VS Code.
  • also, you can use different snippets with VS Code to make easy coding.
  • Download VS Code

That's all. now you can say we complete the full installation of react-native-cli and we can now create our first project in react-native.

Create React-Native Project:

  • open Command Prompt and go to your desire folder or directory using cd command.
  • then type the below command to create a project.
  • react-native init your_project_name

That's it. now we run our first project. make sure you have launched the emulator already or connected with a USB debugging enabled device.

Run React-Native Project:

  • open the command prompt and navigate to your project root directory.
  • after that type react-native start.
  • then open a separate command prompt window & navigate to the project root directory.
  • after that type react-native run-android.

Horray!!! that's all, I hope you have enjoyed your reading and now you can able to make your dream application with react-native. let me know if you have any doubts about the above article.

Thank you guys for making my day.

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